May 2015 – Letter from Truman
Hi, Kids!
I’ve been told that there is a big difference between needs and wants. At first I didn’t understand because there have been times that I wanted something so much that I was certain I could not live without it. There are only five things that any organism needs to live. Read the “Connections” section to find out more about them and why they are important.
We don’t need games to live — but they sure are fun! And not all games require equipment or electronics. Uffangali is a game from India. All it requires is a few people and some seeds. You can read more about that in the “Cultural Connections” section.
This month, I am going to try to keep things simple and be thankful that I have so much more than I need instead of wishing for things I don’t have. What is something that you have and enjoy but don’t really need?